Connecting for Generations

Transforming Today to Ensure Tomorrow

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About The Campaign

Nestled in the breathtaking Sawtooth Wilderness of Central Idaho, Luther Heights is immersed in the beauty of God’s creation. Mountain views, alpine lakes, and the wind in the pines delight the senses, welcoming all and continuing to expand partnerships with Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal, and other ecumenical partners. But, what sets Luther Heights apart from a thousand other beautiful locations is the experience people have in its community. Campers and guests of all ages enjoy walking the trails and exploring the wilderness, taking time to relax in an Adirondack chair with new and old friends, moments to reflect and thoughtfully study God’s word, honest and intentional hospitality, joyful worship, laughter over a family-style meal, and the slowly dying flicker of the campfire as they end each day. This ministry has blessed so many!

Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Luther Heights is the outdoor ministry partner of 20-member congregations in the Northwest Intermountain Synod. LHBC also maintains valued partnerships with communities and organizations throughout Idaho. For almost 40 years, Hodia has been a significant partner, providing 2-3 weeks of camps each summer for children and youth with Type 1 Diabetes.

The projects of this campaign will enhance the programs of Luther Heights, allowing campers and staff to safely and comfortably enjoy activities during their stay.

“Camp is a place of calm and quiet, loudness and laughter. It is a place to come to rest, revive, and reflect. It is comfy, cozy, and welcoming. Our kids have grown in body and faith at camp. It is a big part of who they are and who they are becoming.”


Campaign Goals

Upgrade: Burying electrical lines + aligning to electrical codes….$225,500

In the fall of 2019 Salmon River Electric notified us that we must improve our electric system to meet code by burying electric lines on the older side of camp or risk being shut down. The new maintenance building cannot be constructed without this upgrade, and our overhead power lines are a forest fire risk.

Goal to complete September 2023

Electrical Lines that need to be updated

New Construction: Maintenance Building with Staff Housing and Well…$1,001,000

This project has been planned for over 20 years and has importance beyond just a dedicated space. Not having a dedicated space can lead to disorganization and supplies being lost. A dedicated space will also allow us to more safely store equipment and chemicals that should not be in the hands of untrained people.

This new building also includes lodging space for Pastors, kitchen staff, and volunteers who currently get some of our least desirable housing on-site.

The new well will help ensure that this facility and others are brought up to code as sprinkler systems begin to be added.

Maintenance Trailer

Remodel: Snowyside Health Center…$331,100

In 2021, the health center was relocated to Snowyside Cabin to address health and safety concerns for campers and our medical staff, prioritized due to the COVID pandemic and now must be remodeled to include an ADA ramp, ADA bathroom, new windows and floors throughout (to replace the existing cement floor). These improvements will provide increased privacy and separation for sick campers as well as better facilities for those caring for them.

Health Center

Remodel: Old Infirmary to Staff Housing….$178,200

The old infirmary can now become staff housing for two additional staff members. As we take better care of staff, they are able to take better care of guests.

Old Infirmary Building

Remodel: White Cloud Lodge…$539,000

Perhaps the most beloved space on camp needs an upgrade to continue its useful life. The circular fireplace is a beloved gathering space, but plumbing and electrical upgrades are needed for the building to be used to its full potential for years to come.

Luther Heights White Cloud Lodge

Building a Generous Endowment: Legacy Gifts

The goal is an endowment that will provide 20% of our annual needed ministry revenue, which in today’s dollars would require an Endowment of $3 million. The intention is to build this endowment through estate gifts of those who care for this ministry. The goal is that 30 planned gift expectancies will be discovered during this campaign.

Luther Heights people

Campaign Costs…$100,000

Campaign costs, inclusive of consulting, staff time, material development, events, and travel of 14.5% of these projections. Staff time will allow for new opportunities in programming to better serve guests at Luther Heights.

Luther Heights campers swimming in lake

What It Will Take

Statement of Financial Position

Assets $2,561,537
Liabilities $6,745
Equity $2,554,792

Current Assets $217, 628 and Fixed Assets $2,343, 909

Proposed Timeline for Three-Year Campaign

Fall 2022 Campaign preparation
Spring 2023–Fall 2023 Leadership Gifts (Steering Team, Board Member, Major Gifts)
Winter 2023–Spring 2024 Leadership Gifts continue
Summer–Fall 2024 Congregational and Community Campaign Invitations Staff Alumni Campaign
Late Fall 2024 Congregational and Community leader training
Winter 2024–Spring 2025 Congregational and Community campaigns launched

Base Goal

The Luther Heights Board has established the following priorities in the $1,326,500 base goal:

Electrical Upgrade and BurialGoal to complete 2023 $225,500
Maintenance Building with Staff Housing $968,000
Well Upgrade $33,000
Staff and Campaign Expenses $100,000

Challenge Goal

An additional $1,048,300 is sought as a challenge goal. Project to be funded in this phase include:

Snowyside Health Center Remodel $331,100
Infirmary/staff housing $178,200
White Cloud Lodge Upgrades $539,000

Luther Heights also seeks to secure at least 30 planned gift expectancies through this campaign.

“Camp has always been a place for me to get away and reconnect. Reconnect with God, with nature, and with people. Living in a digital age we can be fooled into thinking we are connecting online, but nothing can replace dinner together around a table or chatting together on the deck. It’s a place to share love and learn how to receive love as well.”


Our Progress

Base Goal of $1,326,000

We are excited about our progress thus far with the Connecting for Generations campaign. Please join us in reaching our goal! The thermometer shows our progress so far:

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$1,326,000Raised $560,000 towards the $1,326,000 target.$560,000Raised $560,000 towards the $1,326,000 target.42%

How You Can Help

To meet our challenge goal of $2.4 million, generous gifts of all sizes will be needed:

Number of Gifts Needed 3-Year Gift Commitment Cumulative Total
1 $250,000 $250,000
1 $150,000 $400,000
2 $100,000 $600,000
4 $75,000 $900,000
8 $50,000 $1,300,000
10 $25,000 $1,550,000
20 $15,000 $1,850,000
30 $10,000 $2,150,000
35 $5,000 $2,325,000
40 $1,095 ($1/day for 3 years) $2,368,800
Many gifts under $1,095 $2,400,000

“Luther Heights fills a crucial role for the Intermountain and Great Basin Regions. It is a place and people committed to living out and sharing the grace-filled gospel of Jesus Christ. For seventy years we have done this work faithfully. As we look ahead to the next seventy years, we must address several property needs to ensure our guests’ safety.”


Campaign News & Announcements

Fall 2024 Update

February 12, 2025|Comments Off on Fall 2024 Update

We have successfully raised over $560,000 in pledges and donations towards this campaign! Thank you for your support!! Highlights: Thanks to the generosity of our donors we were able to pay off our Mission Investment [...]

  • Luther Heights family

Connecting For Generations: Transforming Today to Ensure Tomorrow

February 8, 2024|Comments Off on Connecting For Generations: Transforming Today to Ensure Tomorrow

February 2024 update The Steering Team has been busy during 2023 laying a strong foundation for a successful campaign. We secured leadership gifts (pledge commitments from all current Board Members and the Steering Team members). [...]

For more information contact Kelly Preboski, Executive Director, by completing the form below.

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